The mission of Bioresonance is to balance the energetic level of the human body. Bioresonance is a treatment method of complementary therapy, which positively influences the patient's energy system by means of the body's own vibrations and substance vibrations. The German doctor Franz Morell developed the concept of bioenergetics or bioresonance more than 30 years ago. His starting point: biological information is transmitted between the body cells by means of electromagnetic oscillations analyze and treat accordingly. Morell also recognized what the doctors in ancient China already knew. The moment the body electromagnetic information system is disturbed, illness occurs. Bioresonance is there to normalize the electromagnetic oscillations between the cells to stimulate the self-healing powers.
Bioresonance Praxis, LLC works with two electronic therapy devices developed by the most experienced device manufactures by Kindling and Regumed in Germany. Bioresonance Praxis, LLC offers two bioresonance frequency methods of complementary energy therapy to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The BICOM® method offers a proven allergy therapy with a positive impact on body and mind. One focus of the BICOM® device is the relief of allergic rhinitis and to provide recommendations for other allergic symptoms. BICOM® therapy programs uses low-energy electromagnetic waves to activate and restore the patient’s body’s own self-healing powers.
The HOLOSAN® method is a very gentle therapy because the frequencies used are very weak compared to the technically generated waves that surround us. The software comes from Austria which has made breakthrough in frequency therapy. The software supplies all the necessary vibrations in digitized form by means of a magnetic field and stimulate self-healing in the body. Each session consists of utilizing the Holosan® SingleMatik quantum device electronic device to positively influence the person’s energy system by means of the body's own vibrations. Based on the measurement data, the software provides all the required vibrations and transfers them to a pulsating frequency - individually adjusted and precisely dosed.
During therapy you sit relaxed to let the support frequencies unlock your body’s healing abilities.
The BICOM® and HOLOSAN® therapy methods are intended for those for whom nothing was found, but who still not feel their best. The therapies balances out the blockages in the body’s energy systems, stimulates detoxification and activates the body's self-healing powers. The person feels more vital, active and full of energy, often after the first therapy session. Pain and symptoms of illness often disappear after the first treatment. The treatment encourages elimination of toxins deposited in the tissues, these can cause a temporary initial aggravation. Typical signs of this are headaches, exhaustion or the (temporary) worsening of existing symptoms. All of these are signs that therapy is "working" and nothing to worry about. A therapy session lasts up to an hour. How often the treatments should be repeated varies from person to person and depends on the type of complaint. A noticeable improvement in general well-being can often be observed after the first session, but in severe cases more treatments may be necessary.